Our Purpose

Glorify God

This means that in everything we do we want to show God to be great. This is why God created the world in general (Psalm 19:1-6) and the church in particular (Ephesians 3:21).

Being Disciples

God receives glory when we become fully-devoted followers of His Son. This is what a disciple is. A disciple is someone who follows Jesus with the goal of becoming like our Leader (Luke 6:40). This means we deny ourselves. We do not live life for our own glory or after our own desires (Luke 9:23). This also means that we follow the teachings of Jesus (Luke 6:46). We obey those teachings to show our love for God and our desire to know Him deeply (1 John 2:3).

Making Disciples

Disciples are to bring others into a relationship with Jesus (Mark 16:15, 16). We want the whole world to be full of people who glorify God. We make disciples by teaching people the story of Jesus. When people learn this story of good news and believe this story they become disciples by being baptized and by observing the teachings of Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20).

Making a Difference

A disciple of Jesus lives to continue the ministry of Jesus. We are His hands and feet today. Everywhere Jesus went He made a difference in the lives of people (Acts 10:38). We hope to follow that example by doing good works that make a difference in the lives of others, helping them to see the love of God and experience the power of that love to change lives (Matthew 5:13-16; Titus 3:14; John 3:16; 1 John 4:19; John 15:9-14).