
Club 56 is a class for 5th and 6th graders to study God’s Word in an engaging and mature way while forging relationships together that will stay with them through the rest of their youth and beyond. The 5th and 6th graders in today’s world are often ready for a more mature curriculum which delves into practical application of scripture beyond basic Bible stories. Club 56 equips these boys and girls with relevant knowledge they can take with them daily into a world which bombards them with ideas contradictory with God’s Word.

We study Christian evidences, Creation vs. Evolution, Christian values, and other topics to help students build and sustain their faith. Club 56 also participates in planned activities of service and fellowship together such as Room in the Inn, trampoline park, Christmas lights tour, laser tag, and various restaurant experiences to name a few. The goal of Club 56 is to equip students with the applicable knowledge and wisdom they need in their world while encouraging relationships with each other… both of which prepare them for daily life and encounters as a strong servant of God. We would LOVE for your 5th and 6th grader to join us as we grow together!

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If you would like to learn more about this ministry or how you can be involved please email Chad and Dayla Calendine.