Meet the CAYAC Minister


Greg Adams

College and Young Adult Minister

Greg moved to Nashville in the fourth grade and has been here ever since. After graduating from Lipscomb University, he met his wife, Sheryl, at church. They have three adult children who also live in Nashville. Greg has been teaching elementary school for over twenty years and has been serving Woodson Chapel as the college and young adult (CAYAC) minister since 2014.

About the CAYACS

Greetings! We are the CAYAC group, the College And Young Adult Class. We are made up of students in and out of Nashville and young adults working and living life. We meet twice a week formally in class studying the Bible directly and intentionally. We are a praying group that welcomes and treasures visitors and newcomers. We love open discussions and sharing needs. We also meet each Wednesday for dinner and laughter and for other meals or activities regularly. As a class, we help the homeless through Room in the Inn. We invite you to join us! We'd love to meet you and make you feel welcome!

Join us on Sunday mornings.

“Whatever you do, do all through the glory of God.”

— 1 Corinthians 10:31